Below is my response to Irish Independent columnist Ian O'Doherty's hitpiece on Jim Corr (above), the musician who recently spoke out against the Lisbon Treaty, reminding his fellow citizens that it is but a stepping-stone to Totalitarian Government of the few Psychopaths over Humanity. You can listen to what Jim Corr had to say on Ireland's Today fm here.
Ian O'Doherty's article is in italics, with my comments in-between.
By Ian O'Doherty
Monday June 02 2008
Monday June 02 2008

Tin foil helmet? Check. Michael Moore's Politics For Dummies? Check. Noam Chomsky T-shirt? Check. Ah, Jim Corr, let this column be the first to salute you.
Actually, Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky avoid the truth about 9/11 like the plague. They are in all probability controlled opposition to make those who care think that someone is voicing their concerns.
The ugly one from The Corrs has always looked like a bit of a mental vacuum, and he proved our suspicions on Matt Cooper's Last Word last week, when he informed the grateful nation that 9/11 was, of course, the work of those nasty Americans who wanted to invent an excuse to invade Iraq and Afghanistan and anyone else who objected to their plans for a New World Order.
Who are YOU calling ugly? Jim Corr was once voted Ireland's sexiest man! And you, Ian, sound like a jealous prat, suspiciously resembling what you so aptly termed a 'mental vacuum.'
These theories started on September 12, of course, as every looper, conspiracy freak and I-Hate-America loon convinced themselves that this was the work of The Great Satan.
Actually, people have always been aware that real power lies not with the politicians we elect nor the dictators that are selected. Just goes to show how 'factually illiterate' you are. What has changed since 9/11, an obvious false-flag military-style operation when one looks into it, is that so many more have been waking up to realise that there's far more going on than we're told.
And, in the days and weeks following the defining event of our life time, the wackos were out in force -- either America committed the deed itself, or America deserved to have it done to them.
Or maybe it was the Israelis, was another theory, who warned all the Jews to stay at home that day so Mossad could destroy the buildings.
That one didn't stand up too well when it then emerged that plenty of Jews, along with Christians, Muslims and people of other faiths also perished.
The people behind this have absolutely no qualms about 'killing their own' because, as they have amply demonstrated, they have no conscience. Having no conscience, they cannot empathise with the victims of their actions nor even with the ideologies and labels they outwardly profess to commit their deeds in the name of (Christianity, 'democracy', freedom, peace, etc. These are empty words to a psychopath, the meaning or essence of which he or she cannot grasp.) When Bush says, like the Psychopath that he is, that “They hate us because of our freedoms”, he is revealing to us his very own contempt for humanity, which he and those of his kind (thankfully a small minority) ruthlessly and obsessively seek to dominate and destroy.
But eventually all but the most deluded and factually illiterate realised that they had been acting like eejits and they quietly retreated back to the shadows leaving the arena clear for, well, for people like Jim Corr.
You're breaking up on me there Ian; what's this a reference to?!
Corr is a tragic victim of Sean Penn Syndrome.
This chronic condition means the patient believes that because they are moderately famous, their opinions are therefore desperately sought out by us mere plebeians.
Thus, goes the logic, if you liked Sean Penn in a movie, you will also like his demented world view.
And, stretching the Syndrome to near breaking point, if you liked Corr in whatever musical masterpiece the band have released, then you want to hear his views on 9/11 and the Lisbon Treaty.
O'Doherty is a tragic victim of the Little Willy Syndrome. This chronic condition means that the patient believes that because they have a platform within mainstream media, their opinions actually mean anything and are avidly lapped up by us mere proles. Thus his logic goes; if you liked what Ian had to say about some celebrity's night-out-on-the-town last week, you will later fawn at his feet when he rants about something he obviously knows nothing about.
The Treaty, he helpfully informed us, was part of the New World Order, it would introduce the death penalty and would finally see the Illuminati reveal themselves. Or something.
Penn, for instance, alongside those perennial campaigners of the Left, Tim Robbins and his mother Susan Sarandon, needs no evidence for any of the myriad mad claims they have made, they just know that America is bad, foreign dictatorships are good and they live in a world so touched in the head that they actually think the Bush administration would be competent enough to pull this off.
This goes way beyond any one administration. 9/11 was probably decades in the making. As with all significant events in world affairs, their depth and scope are often only understood long after with the benefit of hindsight. Following the money and paper trails, what emerges is a hydra-like Secret Government with agents in every national government and borderless access to resources and international media. They own everything. They own money itself. And, as far as they are concerned, they own you and I. They regard Humanity as cattle, not so much because they are ideologically demented that way, but because being Psychopaths, they naturally cannot BE any other way. They dream of a world in which the Other (that is, people of conscience) are eliminated or at least significantly reduced to manageable units of serfs; while they walk tall and proud as the technological inheritors of a post-cataclysmic Earth.
I know, it sounds nuts, inititally. But what Jim Corr and myself and millions of others globally are realising is that there are people on this planet who not only believe this, but are executing policies as we speak designed to bring their nightmare (from humanity's perspective) vision into reality, independent of whether or not we acknowledge what they're doing! Dr. Robert Hare, leading expert on psychopathology isn't mincing his words when he says the problem facing humanity is one of an "intra-species predator".
It's touching in a way, after all the evidence to the contrary, that anyone could still believe this inept, corrupt and venal regime, which still can't extricate itself from Iraq or manage the deficit, could perpetrate the most brilliant hoax since the Reichstag fire.
Interesting that you acknowledge that the Reichstag Fire was a hoax. Look at the consequences for Germany and the World then. This is now: what makes you think the Bush administration is trying to extricate itself from Iraq? With surge after surge, and Iran in the cross-hairs, it looks to me like they're all set to take the World over the edge of the abyss. Are you implying that this is all a matter of gross incompetence? Far from it, these pathological deviants had the no-bid contracts lined up and ready to go, not because they planned to actually rebuild Iraq, but because they knew the Bush administration would cover their asses while they greedily squandered vast amounts of US taxpayers' money. Outright theft, pure and simple.
They exhibit the same deluded self-belief that allowed Sharon Stone to so spectacularly frag her own career with her incredible remarks about the Chinese earthquake being Karmic retribution to the Chinese for not being nice enough to "my good friend" the Dalai Lama.
Cue outrage in China, Stone being dropped by Dior and facing ruin in Hollywood; a town where weird beliefs are not uncommon but these beliefs still fall before the imperative of the bottom line -- it wouldn't even matter if Stone could actually act, she is going to be kryptonite to producers now.
That shouldn't matter so much to Corr, who bestrides the world of music like a veritable colossus.
Seriously Ian, what's with the viscious venom against Jim Corr? It's always the same tired tactics I see – character assassination, malicious insinuation, defamation, libellous slander, substitution of facts, and tin foil hats. What on Earth have 'tin foil hats' got to do with whether insiders in the US, UK and Israeli administrations were aware of, and involved in orchestrating, the attacks of September 11th 2001 anyway?! Why do I frequently see 'tin foil hats' mentioned in vitriolic attacks against people who speak out about current world affairs? Is it something they teach you at journalist school or something?!
In fact, if anyone is looking for a proper conspiracy theory there is this one -- who the hell made the Corrs successful? The Bilderbergs? The Masons? Louis Walsh? The public have a right to know.
I have no doubt that their own hard work made The Corrs successful. Who the hell made you a columnist for the Independent newspaper, that's what I want to know.
Maybe we should get Michael Moore on the case.
But he brings up another issue -- I was planning on voting No to Lisbon, despite being in the unusual and extremely uncomfortable position of being on the same side as Youth Defence and the Shinners, to name but two.
But voting the same way as the bloke who brought us Forgiven not Forgotten? That's just a step too far.
You go right ahead and vote Yes then, Ian. The Europe you would be voting for would suit you just fine: intolerant, undemocratic and impersonal.
And just think, having signed away the last semblance of political freedom you have left, you would never have to vote on anything substantial again! In fact, because 100% of the laws that impact on your life would be decided on your behalf by unaccountable elusive 'committees' thereafter, you'll never again have to think for yourself, ever!
In-depth and informative documentary on the upcoming Lisbon Treaty Referendum in Ireland:
Vote Níl Pointes!